Tips To Clean The Colon: The 3 Day Body and Colon Detox One of the simplest, cheapest and most effective of all detox diet programs is the 3 day body and colon detox system. This system has just a few simple steps that if you follow correctly will quickly and safely help you to detox in just a matter of days:
1.) Drink Pure Water
Supplement your diet by drinking between 1-2 litres of pure mineral water each day. This water will not only keep you hydrated and feeling much better in yourself, but the minerals and nutrients will kick-start your body's detox engine and help you to detox and cleanse much more quickly. Also, the water provides a steady medium by which the body can remove unwanted toxins. This is a very important part of the 3 day body and colon detox system and should not be overlooked.
2.) Eat Fresh fruit and vegetables
Fruit and vegetables contain some super antioxidants and are great detox agents for your body. If you eat these regularly as part of your daily diet then this will really strengthen and boost your internal detox processes and it will all happen much quicker. Vegetables such as broccoli and spinach are great natural colon cleansers.
3.) Exercise
Not everyones favourite thing to do, but this really does get your body pumping and all of its internal processes moving along swiftly, including detoxification. Also, it is very good for your overall health and well-being and also the perspiration will help to remove toxins through the pores in your skin, which further speeds up the process and completes the 3 day body and colon detox program.
>>If you want a more effective cleaning recommend you see PURE COLON DETOX