Colon Cleansing: Can Colon Cleansing Eliminate Those Extra Pounds?
1. A Cleansed Colon Equals Reduced Weight
Studies show that an average human body holds around 15-20 pounds of waste matter in the absence of a regular cleansing routine. This waste adds to obesity along with abdominal ailments and health woes.
So it is better to get started with more frequent visits to the loo to lose weight rather than sweating out at the gym. You would be amazed at how a good cleaning supplement would increase the frequency of bowel movements and rid you of obesity along with gas, bloating, cramps, insomnia and similar woes.
2. Cleansers Increase The Gush Of Energy Within Too
A cleansed colon would invariably be able to absorb the nutrients from the food better and would thereby help your system to get more energy. More energy would mean increased stamina to survive fat blasting workouts and would eventually a slimmer and fitter you.
3. A Cleansed System Is More Receptive To Fat Loss
Leave alone the direct effects of colon cleansing of reducing body weight; a cleansed system would also be more receptive to other fat loss programs. This is so because layers of fat in the system prevent all efforts at weight loss from performing to the hilt.
Once the system would be flushed clean, your weight loss supplements, workouts and even boot camp memberships would turn out to be more effective for the simple reason that your muscle mass and metabolic rate would grow.
Choose the best and proven effective products available after putting in proper research and your colon cleanse endeavor's benefits would double up into weight loss positives too.