Colonics cleansing to detoxify the body's digestive system has gained popular support in recent years as more people look to increase personal health. However, the practice has been around for centuries.
Ancient civilizations such as Egypt developed practices for colonics cleansing believing the results would increase the body's overall efficiency. Modern techniques came into play in the late 1800s.
Colonics cleansing is the irrigation, or flushing of the system to remove built-up substances. An effective colonics cleansing treatment will detoxify the colon removing harmful toxins and parasites as well as built-up waste and other undigested food.
The practice is known by many phrases such as colonic cleansing, high colonic irrigation, high colonic, colonic enema, high enema, colon hydrotherapy and colonic hydrotherapy.
These are all the same and designed for the same purpose: flush out the large intestine of collected waste material and other particles with water.
By cleansing the large intestine, a new life cycle starts in the body's digestive system, where 80 percent of the human immune system is found.
A colonics cleansing attacks the causes for many conditions such as diarrhea, bloating, constipation and others. The flushing out is designed to kill harmful bacteria, yeast infections, parasites and other harmful substances that cause unhealthy conditions.
Although there are available a great number of commercial preparations from laxatives as well as herbal medicines, water remains mankind's most potent filtering and purifying agent.
A high colonics cleansing is a safe and tried and true method that simply irrigates the large intestine with water and, through gravity, flushes out years of toxin build-up and accumulated waste that lines the walls of the colon.
Removal of this harmful, accumulated matter will result in improved colon function that also helps with a more efficiently operating digestive system.
Some people fear that self-applied colonics cleansing could become habit forming. Medical experts argue that any procedure employed that produces better health is a better habit to introduce into one's lifestyle.
Furthermore, when accompanied by a diet including daily consumption of lots of water and raw vegetables and fruits, colonics cleansing may be limited to an annual event.
Some colonics cleansing does introduce the use of oxygen to ozonate the water used in flushing the large intestine. In the closed environment of the digestive system, oxygen proves to be a deadly enemy to pathogens, viruses and other harmful material.
The large intestine's main purpose is to absorb water and remove waste material. The walls of the colon absorb vitamins and nutrients passing these into the blood flow.
The level of this nutrient efficiency in the body is directly affected by a dirty colon. Taking an oxygen colonics cleaning supplement will actually increase the efficiency when employing this intestine flushing process.
If the minerals and nutrients supplied by the colon are not degraded, the result is an increased immune system that fights off such conditions as diarrhea, diverticulitis, irritable bowel syndrome and other outwardly visible symptoms like acne, eczema and age spots.
A high colonics cleansing is a safe and tried and true method that simply irrigates the large intestine with water and, through gravity, flushes out years of toxin build-up and accumulated waste that lines the walls of the colon.
A high colonics cleansing is a safe and tried and true method That simply irrigates the large intestine with water and, Through gravity, flushes out years of toxin build-up and waste accumulated That lines the walls of the colon ... Click Here To See Colon Detox