Making A Colon Cleanse - Detoxify The Colon

Making A Colon Cleanse - Detoxify The Colon 

What to know about colon cleansing?
Alternative medicines indicate that it is necessary to perform a colon cleansing occasionally in order to eliminate all toxins, fecal matter and pollutants that accumulate in the body. Harmful substances can cause many diseases and poor health in general.

While colon empties with evacuation, this is usually not enough. For example, when there is constipation, it is not cleaned properly and vestiges. The good news is that there are natural and homemade recipes to remove all the evil of the colon and enjoy a healthier life. Basically, you need to increase the number of evacuations, but in a more conscious way.

Colon cleansing should be done at least twice a year. You will feel lighter, more energetic, without that feeling of heaviness, your intestines will be able to absorb more nutrients and eliminate more of toxic waste.

Modern diet full of harmful substances and additives and preservatives are accumulated in the body, especially in the intestine, kidney, liver and colon. That is why it is necessary to perform a colon cleanse. It is good to remember that just the third time to repeat one of the techniques the most visible results are seen, although the first time, the feeling will be very satisfactory.

During the stage of colon cleansing it is necessary to take care food. And you keep a diet without dairy, irritating foods and too much protein. The best option is to eat vegetables, fruit and fiber. Never stop drinking water.

It is also good after cleaning the balance colon bacteria from the intestines, since most of them will be eliminated. Eat plain yogurt, a supplement with bacilli, yeast or sauerkraut. In the latter case, cabbage contains glutamine, which accelerates the regeneration of the cells of the digestive system.

Another good idea is exfoliation massages so you can also release toxins in the urine. Lymphatic drainage is the most recommended. An exercise routine that can be done is called "Makaho" which is based on a series of stretches to the large intestine that help improve the flow of energy from the colon.
And if you're doing a colon cleanse, you should stay at home all day and the next. It is ideal to take the weekend. Try not to make many movements or out.

Smoothies and juices to cleanse the colon
As already indicated, the colon is a very important part of our body. There the nutrients and vitamins are absorbed and waste eliminated. When it is full of toxins, harmful substances and fats, your task is compromised and lethargic, which results in diseases and malaise.
To cleanse the colon naturally we can enjoy the properties of the juices and homemade smoothies:

Green aloe juice, cucumber and apple
This juice is really delicious and has the ability to detoxify the colon. The ingredients are all tonics and their effect will be guaranteed. Your gut will be healthier and glance your figure will be more desinflamada.

Need a slice of pineapple, half a cucumber with the skin, a small apple (best green), average leaf aloe or aloe vera juice and an orange. Cut the cucumber and pineapple slices, apple with skin, without the bone and diced, aloe vera half. Mix everything in a blender with the orange juice. You can add a glass of water so it is not so thick. Drink fasting and evening for seven days.

Ginger juice
It is one of the easiest recipes to cleanse the colon in the world. It is really effective in removing toxins from simple and gentle manner. Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties and improves digestion. All that you need is a root of washed and peeled ginger and a glass of water. Chopped and placed in a blender with water.

Mix well and strain. Drink on an empty stomach, you can sweeten with a little honey. It's great also to reduce nausea, heartburn, reflux or other digestive problems, as well as detoxify the colon.

Red juice to clean the colon
You desinflamarás the colon and also will eliminate the toxins. It is a very fresh juice with diuretic and antioxidant properties. You need six strawberries, a slice of fresh pineapple and a tablespoon of fresh parsley. Mix the ingredients after washing them in a blender with a little water. Eat once a day, before breakfast, for a week.

Lemon juice
The lemon has many properties to detoxify the body in general. If you want to clean the colon, you just have to squeeze the lemon juice and mix with half a glass of warm water. Drink before bedtime.

>>Here you can see another method to Detoxify the Colon

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