Are You Interested In Cleansing Or Detoxing Your Body?

Are You Interested In Cleansing Or Detoxing Your Body?

The first thing you should understand is the differences between a simple colon cleanse and a whole body detox. Overall, the result will be somewhat similar but the processes are vastly different. A colon cleanse will render immediate results.

Of course, this means you will be spending a good amount of time in the bathroom. A body detox on the other hand works much slower and so you should be able to maintain your regular routine.

The first step in removing toxins from your system is to quit taking them in. This means you will need to quit coffee or soda at least temporarily. For many people this is difficult because they have become dependent on them.

If you are in this category, you will want to start the weaning process. During a detox you may notice some withdrawal effects if you do not wean yourself prior to the cleanse. For several days before you start the detox plan you should slowly reduce caffeine intake.

One popular method for cleansing or detoxing the body is to fast with water. At this time, you survive on the consumption of water alone, no other drink or food. This works because water helps to eliminate toxins from the body through waste, plus the fact that your body does not have to work to digest food allows it to rest and cleanse more thoroughly.

There are some risks to be considered even though water fasting is the best way to detox the body. Fasting for too long on water alone can lead to malnutrition. It is important to listen to your body during one of these fasts.

Other people prefer a juice fast to water, but it is still important to be cautious. When you complete the fast your body may be demanding food, but you need to go slowly. If your body has been without solid food for several days or a week it will need time to adjust. In the beginning start with easily digestible foods such as soup and applesauce.

A better way to detox the body is with the use of organic foods. This is an ideal method for those who must eat due to a medical condition or who are overweight. Diabetes and thyroid issues make going without food an impossibility and therefore a juice or water fast is out of the question. Switching to organic or all natural food sources is a better option than no cleanse at all or quitting halfway there.

When you are searching for organic or all natural foods a specialty store may have just what you are looking for. The local grocers will probably have an aisle or two of this type but your selections will be limited and most of the time expensive.

A good way to get great deals is to visit some of the sites of organic food manufacturers; they often have money saving coupons you can print. Of course, you can always order the food from the site, but often you will have to pay for shipping, which adds to the cost.

Your best friend throughout your cleanse or detox should be water. You will feel less hungry and your body will be better able to expel toxins when you consume a lot of water. That being said you could overdo it on water with disastrous health consequences, even death can result from flooding your body with too much water.

Stick to the daily-recommended allowance of eight 8-ounce glasses per day. If you sweat a great deal or are considerably overweight, you could get by with drinking a bit more.

Detox products like pills, powders and patches are an option but if you go this route be sure you follow the directions. This will protect you from inadvertently misusing the product and contribute to your success. You may need to do more than simply take the product, you will likely still need to modify the diet. Follow all of the directions to the letter and you should be able to safely eliminate all the toxins from your body.

You can also see this!

You check out my colon cleanse review site at www coloncleanse com, where I have been reviewing colon cleanse for a few years now.